October 1 2023

October 1 2023
New Moon in Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces
New Moon :: New Beginnings - Intention - Planting Seeds
Water Element Governs our Emotions & Intuition
New Moon :: New Beginnings - Intention - Planting Seeds
Water Element Governs our Emotions & Intuition
The Sign of Cancer ✦ Nurturing - Caring - Perceptive - Moody - Self-Protective
The Sign of Scorpio ✦ Depth - Power - Observant - Secretive - Possessive
The Sign of Pisces ✦ Dreamy - Mystical - Naive - Idealistic – Ethereal
The Sign of Scorpio ✦ Depth - Power - Observant - Secretive - Possessive
The Sign of Pisces ✦ Dreamy - Mystical - Naive - Idealistic – Ethereal
A New Moon ritual themed around the water element can be a deeply emotional and introspective experience, uncovering our shadows and sensitivities. The New Moon is a time of new beginnings, making it the perfect occasion to tap into our depths, our softness and our intuition to guide us towards any needed healing.
May the suggestions below guide your ritual..
May the suggestions below guide your ritual..
Find a Water Source:
Choose a location near a natural water source, such as a river, lake, ocean, or even a small pond. If access to a natural water body is not possible, you can create a water altar indoors with a bowl of water.
Choose a location near a natural water source, such as a river, lake, ocean, or even a small pond. If access to a natural water body is not possible, you can create a water altar indoors with a bowl of water.
Cleansing Ritual:
Begin the ritual by cleansing yourself and your sacred space. Take a ritual bath with Epsom salts or essential oils to purify your body and mind. If you're near a water source, dip your hands into the water and splash it on your face, feeling the cleansing effect of the water.
Begin the ritual by cleansing yourself and your sacred space. Take a ritual bath with Epsom salts or essential oils to purify your body and mind. If you're near a water source, dip your hands into the water and splash it on your face, feeling the cleansing effect of the water.
Emotional Release:
Take a moment to connect with your emotions. Allow yourself to feel any feelings that arise, whether they are joy, sorrow, or anything in between. Embrace the transformative power of water as it symbolizes the flow of emotions and the release of any emotional burdens.
Take a moment to connect with your emotions. Allow yourself to feel any feelings that arise, whether they are joy, sorrow, or anything in between. Embrace the transformative power of water as it symbolizes the flow of emotions and the release of any emotional burdens.
Setting Intentions:
Write down your intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle. These should be related to the hearts desires, nurturing of self and others, dreams and emotional renewal. Be specific about the love and softness you want to bring into your life.
Write down your intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle. These should be related to the hearts desires, nurturing of self and others, dreams and emotional renewal. Be specific about the love and softness you want to bring into your life.
Water Blessing:
Collect a small vial of water from the natural source or your water altar. Hold the vial in your hands and infuse it with your intentions. You can use this blessed water later as a symbolic elixir to drink or sprinkle on plants.
Collect a small vial of water from the natural source or your water altar. Hold the vial in your hands and infuse it with your intentions. You can use this blessed water later as a symbolic elixir to drink or sprinkle on plants.
Divination or Tarot Reading:
Use divination tools, such as tarot cards or oracle cards, to gain further insights into your emotional and intuitive aspects. Draw cards that resonate with your current feelings and intentions.
Use divination tools, such as tarot cards or oracle cards, to gain further insights into your emotional and intuitive aspects. Draw cards that resonate with your current feelings and intentions.
Water Meditation:
Close your eyes and meditate on the water's flow and fluidity. Visualize yourself being carried by the water's current, moving with ease and surrendering to the natural flow of life – releasing any emotional attachments or past experiences that no longer serve your growth, surrender them to the water's gentle embrace, knowing that you are creating space for new beginnings.
Close your eyes and meditate on the water's flow and fluidity. Visualize yourself being carried by the water's current, moving with ease and surrendering to the natural flow of life – releasing any emotional attachments or past experiences that no longer serve your growth, surrender them to the water's gentle embrace, knowing that you are creating space for new beginnings.
Gratitude and Closing:
Place your hands over your heart, reconnecting with the physical body while acknowledging the water element with gratitude for the depth of this emotional experience. Thank the water for is cleansing and nurturing energy, and yourself for allowing this healing to take place.
Place your hands over your heart, reconnecting with the physical body while acknowledging the water element with gratitude for the depth of this emotional experience. Thank the water for is cleansing and nurturing energy, and yourself for allowing this healing to take place.
Remember, water is a powerful element that can connect us deeply with our emotions and intuition. Approach this ritual with an open heart and a willingness to explore the depths of your feelings. Embrace the fluidity of the water element and use this time to heal, cleanse, and find emotional balance within yourself.

Honouring the Phases of the Moon is a sacred practice of honouring our inner feminine, and the cycles of nature. As women, it’s connection and community we often crave when practicing moon ritual – connection to self and community with like-minded kin.
Honouring the Phases of the Moon is a sacred practice of honouring our inner feminine, and the cycles of nature. As women, it’s connection and community we often crave when practicing moon ritual – connection to self and community with like-minded kin.
It’s for this very reason that we gather in MoonSister Circle each Full and New Moon here in Brisbane, Australia – and I would love to extend an invitation for you to join us!
If Brisbane is beyond your reach, you might like to join Sarah & Stella virtually – as we bring the ritual to you via Spiritess Coven. Your online Moon Membership including astrology readings and rituals, digital classes, witchy resources, live discussions and sabbath ceremonies!
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