"Magick is the art and science of understanding
and using the vast potential of the subconscious mind"
What is a talisman?
A talisman is an anchor into a moment in time you wish to create.
A portal of potential timelines for your life.
A dedication to your own desires.
A loving reminder of what it is you truly want.
A nucleus of numinous connection.
A hub of mystery and magic.
A divine doorway into your own version of heaven on earth.
A sacred act of laser-focused rebellion in a time of meaningless consumption and energy dispersal.
A talisman is a sacred gift to you from your future self.
A voice that says "keep going; it gets better".
The ancients used ritual magic to bypass things that stood in the way of their souls desires and successes.
They used to work with amulets and talismans to ward off the many devastating illnesses and archaic life themes that plagued humanity, believing the item itself had magical powers that could protect from attack, sickness and death.
In a modern context, I personally love them because they remind me of things that are currently important to me that I like to focus on and can spark in the moment inspired action and alchemical processes within me; particularly when in seeker and alchemist phases in my life.
Talisman creation is a part of my mission to help continue to guide the awakening ones into alignment with their own true nature.
Ideally, it will be something you hold onto forever, to connect you to others,
to remind you of where you've been and where you're going,
to share and pass on to loved ones when your work here is done.
These talismans are both magic AND mundane.
Beauty AND the beast. You can wear it for aesthetics,
AND work with it to transform.
In a world of throw-away thoughtlessness, complete overwhelm of information and distraction
this is my act of sacred rebellion to create timeless meaningful treasures
that take you deep into your own myth and unlock the secrets in your own inner world.
"When the soul wants to experience something she throws out an image in front of her and then steps into it" Meister Eckhart
My desire has always been to take people through portals to their potential.
Within each line, shape, symbol - is a story.
It is universal. Timeless.
The symbols themselves are like keys to unlock secret doors in your psyche.
Each one of my designs evokes story, promotes self inquiry and creates momentum and focus towards specific intentions.
But as I said, it's all potential until you do something radical with it.
The magic is in you.