The month of February takes us on an archetypal journey exploring Aquarian themes of sensitivity, discernment, revolution and touching on Piscean themes of freedom and equality.
Kicking things off in celebration of a change in season, we begin to look out into the horizon outside of our own personal needs and desires, we may now feel pulled to make positive changes within our community, reconnect with causes we are passionate about, as well as feel pulled to drop in with like-minded souls on a similar journey to us right now.
What is your hope for humanity? What area of your life can you be the change you wish to see in the world this month and what forward steps are you taking towards this? This is also reflected in the welcoming of the Lunar New Year and our entry into the year of the Water Tiger.
Symbols of emotional strength, altruism, leadership and said to be a year brimming with opportunity for those daring enough to take the lead on things they believe in.
Ideals, friend and group consciousness, aspirations, humanitarian contribution.
AQUARIUS WOMAN - The Sustaining Airess
She's valued for her unique outlook, a true rebel with a cause - she inspires the world with her inventive and insightful views whilst remaining objective and quirky AF. This Mother Of Air seeks unity consciousness through individualisation. She seeks to understand the bigger picture, whilst prioritising a strong sense of independence.
By embracing her weird, wonderful and kooky interests, she becomes the best guide to the collective on how to think independently of oppressive systems whilst maintaining a cool, detached and free-thinking rebellious (alien) vibe. She knows there is strength in numbers, so a true rebel is one who is in service of the masses.
In light she is insightful, inventive, humanity focused and pioneering.
In shadow, she can be reckless, impersonal, insensitive and aloof.
Integrated, she helps guide people to their own unique expression and soaks this in to expand her own intellect and understanding of humanity as a whole. She allows her inner child to drive her let her own freak flag fly, thus seeing the world with a fun and playful edge.
Her familiar is the Cat- symbol of awareness, intuition, rebirth, sacred knowledge, transition, mystery and independence.
What are your Aquarius placements and/or which house does Aquarius rule in your chart?
Take a moment to study these specific aspects of yourself in your chart:
Aquarius placements - what planets are in Aquarius?
Where is Saturn or Uranus in your chart? What house?
Who rules your 11th house? Who is that planetary ruler?
Once you have these details, take a moment to contemplate these aspects of yourself and how they play out. Journal how you embody your Aquarius energy and which areas of your life it flavours and impacts.
You might also like to journal on the Aquarians in your life and how they have helped mould your perception of this archetype? Do you have any stories relating to this sign which you can unpack deeper?
To access your most accurate birth chart, head to ASTRO.COM
Learn about this system on Richard’s website here
So many resources and teachers out there!
My favourites that I have referenced in this post are: