If you're new to or confused by the Human Design system, but nevertheless curious - this is for you
To me, Human Design is a way to understand, accept and love your true nature.
Not only does it show you who YOU ARE, but how you RELATE to those around you – as well as how they work too (which; is actually quite different to you!). It helps you to see not to take what was “nurtured” into you by others over your lifetime; and to know what is always inherently YOURS in this lifetime to play with.
It combines a range of ancient esoteric divination tools like the Chinese I Ching, Tropical Astrology, Hindu-Bhraman Chakra system, Kabbalah tree of life and quantum physics to help you to SEE who you are and how you work; literally mapped out in front of you.

It was synthesized in the late 20th century by Ra Uru Hu (formerly Alan Robert Krakower), who claimed to have received a revelatory experience in 1987 that led to the development of the Human Design System.... but that's kind of the only "mystical" aspect of the whole thing. It's actually quite mechanical and practical, more like a blueprint.
There's not a lot of fluff, which I love.

The fundamental premise of Human Design is that each person is born with a unique energetic blueprint that determines their individuality, decision-making processes, and life path.
This energetic blueprint is represented in a chart known as the "body graph" - which is calculated based on the person's birth date, time, and place.

The Key Components of the Human Design System:

1. Nine Centers: The body graph consists of nine energy centers, each representing specific aspects of a person's life, such as emotions, communication, identity, and intuition. These centers can be either "defined" (colored in) or "undefined" (white), indicating consistent or variable energy expression, respectively.

2. Gates and Channels: Within the energy centers, there are 64 "gates" and 36 "channels." Gates are specific energetic qualities, while channels are pathways that connect two centers, creating a flow of energy between them.

3. Types: Human Design categorizes individuals into 4 different "Types" - each with its own decision-making strategy and interaction style. The Types are Manifestor, Generator and Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector.
(Read more about The Types here)

4. Strategy and Authority: Each Type has a unique decision-making strategy and inner guidance system called "Authority." Following one's strategy and authority is believed to lead to more aligned and fulfilling life experiences.
(Read more about Authorities here)

5. Profiles: Human Design profiles are based on two numbers (e.g 3/5 or 4/6) that provide insights into an individual's inherent traits, behaviour, and life experiences.
(Read more about The Profile Lines here)

Human Design is used as a tool for self-discovery and personal and spiritual growth, helping individuals understand their authentic selves, unique talents, and potential challenges. By embracing and aligning with their design, people can make decisions and live in harmony with their natural energetic flow, leading to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

As with any self-awareness system, it is essential to approach Human Design with an open mind and use it as a tool to explore and better understand oneself; but never to give our power whole-heartedly over to it and reduce ourselves to archetypes, symbols and numbers! This is simply how the universe communicates with us, but we mostly have no idea what's going on and can't really fathom the whole thing.
I personally LOVE to synthesize Human Design with my Astrology and the Gene Keys knowledge and understanding to provide MAXIMUM self illumination; but it also stands alone as the most powerful spiritual awakening and self awareness tool I’ve ever come across.
If you'd like to see what this looks like, you can book a 1:1 Know Thyself Reading with me - or browse my range of self-paced online courses HERE.
Both paths are beginner friendly but juicy enough to stimulate those already familiar with Human Design.
Sarah x

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Human Design :: Godheads

Human Design :: Godheads




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