WOMBAT // Animal Messenger

WOMBAT // Animal Messenger
The wombat is one of the world’s largest burrowing animals. They excavate a burrow which becomes⁠ their daytime dwelling, venturing out as the sun sets to eat grasses, leaves and roots.
Their often⁠ very grand homes under the ground consist of up to twelve burrows, using a few as their more⁠ frequented dwellings. These burrows are something the wombat can be quite possessive of, so they⁠ tend to leave plenty of scents behind to mark their territory.⁠
They have very few predators in their natural habitat in Australia, meaning that they can wander⁠ and explore without many threats. They are robust and unaffected by cold climates, often found in⁠ mountainous, snowy regions.⁠
A largely solitary animal, the wombat shows us that self-exploration (as well as real-world exploration)⁠ is essential to our souls growth and development. They also teach us of the importance of having a⁠ beautiful home base in which we feel is ours and ours alone - physically, mentally and spiritually.⁠
Unlike most marsupial mammals, the wombat has a reverse pouch to rear and store their young,⁠ allowing them to continue on with the things they enjoy (digging, burrowing and uprooting things!)⁠ without it hindering or impacting the life of those they love too much. A true master of balancing⁠ duty and passion all at once.
If Wombat has entered your field recently, the key questions to ask yourself what it means specific to you are:
1. What was I doing / thinking / feeling at the time of the encounter?
2. How did seeing this messenger make me feel?
3. What was the animal doing and what was significant about it specifically?
4. Can you see how any of these things relate to the meaning above?
What is your own mythic tale you can weave to get your own beautiful message from this guide?
Journal and contemplate with these prompts to uncover your own personalised meaning and symbolism.
Return to the ⁠Our Animal Kin Blog or purchase the Animal Kin Oracle Deck to continue exploring.

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