PEAHEN // Animal Messenger

PEAHEN // Animal Messenger
Much like chickens, the peahen is consistently recognised throughout history as a symbol of⁠ motherhood, fertility, harmony and nourishment. She reminds us to tap into our nurturing spirit.⁠
We’re reminded to take time for self-nurturing, self-care, rest and recovery if we’ve been spreading⁠ ourselves to thin.⁠
The peahen also celebrates the joy that we experience when we love, care for and appreciate others.⁠ Nurturing our loved ones isn’t about gifts or things, it’s about giving of yourself by offering your⁠ time, your support and your compassion, and creating an environment that is welcoming, safe and⁠ protected from negativity.⁠
Peahens are sociable birds who live together in flocks. They create a hierarchy or pecking-order⁠ within their communities so that they function effectively. The peahen asks you to make peace with⁠ your role within the hierarchy of your family/social/work community and contribute with intention⁠ to support the group as a whole. Resisting what is innately your birthright only creates separation⁠ from your truth, and your tribe.⁠
The peahen teaches us that the people we have been spiritually assigned to in this lifetime may be⁠ asking us to serve. This includes our own self! To truly be of service, we must prioritise nurturing⁠ ourselves and others in mind, body and spirit. There can be no reward as important as bringing⁠ unconditional love, support or peace to those we love - this in turn mirrors this back into our own⁠ lives, allowing us to rise into our power, becoming a stronger or prominent figure amongst our⁠ community.⁠
If Peahen has entered your field recently, the key questions to ask yourself what it means specific to you are:
1. What was I doing / thinking / feeling at the time of the encounter?
2. How did seeing this messenger make me feel?
3. What was the animal doing and what was significant about it specifically?
4. Can you see how any of these things relate to the meaning above?
What is your own mythic tale you can weave to get your own beautiful message from this guide?
Journal and contemplate with these prompts to uncover your own personalised meaning and symbolism.
Return to the ⁠Our Animal Kin Blog or purchase the Animal Kin Oracle Deck to continue exploring.

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