WOODPECKER // Animal Messenger
January 1 2022

January 1 2022
The woodpecker is a unique bird that nests in tree cavities and has a distinct beak used as a tool for removing tree bark and uncovering burrowing insects.
Little known about the woodpecker is their extra-long and sticky tongue, used for reaching into tricky places and for long distance hunting. They also can eat a wide variety of other insects, bird eggs and lizards, which helps to optimise their survival and breeding capabilities.
Woodpeckers use their strong, quick-moving beaks to make ‘drumming’ sounds by tapping them against trees to communicate with other birds for breeding and signalling purposes. Once they pair up, the couple will work together to excavate a nest cavity inside a tree trunk for the female to lay her eggs.
Another intriguing behaviour they have is their choice to live in groups of other bird species, which also protects them more from predators. We can use this as a reminder that in order to find greater success in life, we must put ourselves out there to other groups or circles in order to increase our chances of being supported and having more success come our way in life.
The woodpecker invites you to knock on the door of opportunity and see where it leads, and to focus less on the one outcome and instead be open to many different versions of this picture that instead provide you with the feelings you seek.
Never give up and keep your options open and fluid, always.
If Woodpecker has entered your field recently, the key questions to ask yourself what it means specific to you are:
1. What was I doing / thinking / feeling at the time of the encounter?
2. How did seeing this messenger make me feel?
3. What was the animal doing and what was significant about it specifically?
4. Can you see how any of these things relate to the meaning above?
What is your own mythic tale you can weave to get your own beautiful message from this guide?
Journal and contemplate with these prompts to uncover your own personalised meaning and symbolism.
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