IBIS // Animal Messenger
January 1 2022

January 1 2022
The ibis, identified by their long slender legs and necks, are graceful and sociable birds. These wading birds spend much of their time in and near waterways, collecting fish and other insects for food. Ibis’ nest in tree colonies, enabling them to stay safe from predators on the ground.
Their bald head and neck can be interpreted as being a teacher of putting ones self out there, bare and uncensored is often the most courageous and relatable way to be fully accepted by yourself and others.
Their bald head and neck can be interpreted as being a teacher of putting ones self out there, bare and uncensored is often the most courageous and relatable way to be fully accepted by yourself and others.
In the spirit of internal peace, the ibis supports us to find acceptance of our struggles, so that we may forgive the people in our lives (including ourselves), let go of the past and find the treasure in our life as it is.
The Sacred ibis, was often mummified as a symbol of the god Thoth in ancient African and Egyptian traditions. Thoth, said to have the head of an ibis, was responsible for writing, mathematics and measurement as well as the God of the moon and magic.
In today’s society, the ibis has become more of an opportunist, appearing in more built up suburban and city areas - extremely judged for it’s appearance and demeanour when foraging for food. In history and folklore we can see just how far removed we have become from our most sacred selves.
We can see here that the ibis shows us to become more accepting and tolerant of those who don’t appeal to us on many levels and to simply see them for what they are, bare, raw and authentic - that we can learn more about ourselves and our egoic conditionings. When we see that one mans trash is another mans treasure, we can quickly understand that all things have their place and that truly nothing is ever as it seems.
The ibis shows us not to judge a book by its cover.
If Ibis has entered your field recently, the key questions to ask yourself what it means specific to you are:
1. What was I doing / thinking / feeling at the time of the encounter?
2. How did seeing this messenger make me feel?
3. What was the animal doing and what was significant about it specifically?
4. Can you see how any of these things relate to the meaning above?
What is your own mythic tale you can weave to get your own beautiful message from this guide?
Journal and contemplate with these prompts to uncover your own personalised meaning and symbolism.
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