BEETLE // Animal Messenger
January 1 2022

January 1 2022
Beetles come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colours and are found all around the world.
Beetles are gentle omnivores who live on food plants, eating sap, leaves, fungi and occasionally other insects. They also scavenge for fruit, plant matter and some species are commonly known for opportunistically consuming the dung of herbivore mammals.
These curious creatures have the ability to tunnel and burrow chambers to store food as well as create perfect spheres of dung, which they then roll along for storage.
After the initial birth stage, a beetle goes through a series of important changes to complete its self-renewal each day. In their final stage as a beetle, they are made up into three segments, which gives them strength while maintaining flexibility and protection. Their hard shell-like body covering opens up to reveal beautiful translucent wings that allows them to fly great heights with speed.
In ancient Egyptian culture, the Scarab beetle was said to represent the God of the rising sun, and had a strong association with the solar system due to the fact that it had ray-like antennae on its head and possess such unique and precise capabilities to roll balls of dung.
They teach us that it is not what we are given in life to work with, but how we choose to use to work through it to our benefit, that in order to stay pure at heart we must remember to continually move our shit out of the way, clear, cleanse and keep moving forward.
If Beetle has entered your field recently, the key questions to ask yourself what it means specific to you are:
1. What was I doing / thinking / feeling at the time of the encounter?
2. How did seeing this messenger make me feel?
3. What was the animal doing and what was significant about it specifically?
4. Can you see how any of these things relate to the meaning above?
What is your own mythic tale you can weave to get your own beautiful message from this guide?
Journal and contemplate with these prompts to uncover your own personalised meaning and symbolism.
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